Pengenalan Pertubuhan
Maklumat Pertubuhan
Pertubuhan Dimensia, Perak (The Dementia Society, Perak) is formed and dedicated to the task of creating awareness of the dementia disease and to provide a resource and act as assistance to sufferers of Dementia and caregivers. Hereafter, the society is referred herein as The Dementia Society or TDS. Dementia is an umbrella term which describes a serious deterioration in cognitive or mental functions, such as memory, language, orientation and judgement and goes beyond the normal changes expected to occur with the normal aging process. Dementia often results in changes in functional capacity, mood, personality and behaviour of the affected persons.
BebeLEC Day Care Centre, the Dementia Society Perak.Day Care Centre for people diagnosed with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
Posted by The Dementia Society Perak on Sunday, 6 December 2020
Latar Belakang Pertubuhan
The Dementia Society Perak was formed in 2010 to create public awareness of the condition Dementia that is caused by different diseases and to provide assistance to people with dementia and their caregivers.
It started with our official Launch in Auditorium, Pantai Hospital Ipoh, on the 25th September 2010, organized by Dato Dr. Mah Hang Soon, Perak State EXCO member. Mrs. Bebe Lim Eng Cheang d
Syarat-Syarat Keahlian
4.1 There are 5 categories of membership:
a)Ordinary Member (for residents of Perak, Malaysian, voting rights)
b)Life Member (for residents of Perak, Malaysian, voting rights)
c)Associate Member (non-residents of Perak, including expatriates, no-voting rights
and cannot hold any post in TDS)
c).1. However, upon a simple majority, an associate member can be accepted to
hold a post as an ordinary committee member (i.e. cannot hold the post of
Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer)and with voting rights provided the member
satisfies the following conditions:
(i) Is residing in Perak during the tenure of the office
(ii) Has demonstrable attitude and actions to assist TDS in the furtherance of its
aims and objectives
(iii)Is referred by a notable person or a committee member
d)Student member (for bona-fide full-time students, no voting rights and cannot hold
any post in TDS)
e)Corporate Membership (for any corporate bodies, no voting rights)
4.2 Membership of TDS is open to all Malaysians and invited foreign guests aged
18 years and above. There is no set limit for the total number of subscribing
members in TDS.
4.3 Each applicant for TDS membership must be supported by 2 existing members
and shall be made on a form prescribed by the Committee and shall be
accompanied by the annual subscription and shall be forwarded to the Hon.
Secretary who shall at the first opportunity, submit to the Committee for approval.
The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without assigning any
reason thereof. In the event of the application being rejected, the subscription shall
be returned to applicant.
4.4 If students below the age of 18 are applying for membership to join TDS, they
must obtain a letter of consent from their parents or respective institutions
approving of their involvement in TDS. Nevertheless, the student must provide a
letter from their respective educational institution to confirm their status as a fulltime student.
4.5 All memberships are not transferable.
Kelebihan Menyertai Pertubuhan ini
The information provided on the site is intended to benefit people with dementia, caregivers and the general public.
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